

I am hoping this blog inspires a desire in you to be at your physical potential. Losing weight in 2013, and setting up a lifestyle that allows us to keep it that way! I want this blog to allow me to motivate and to be motivated!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Journal entry: July16th 2011

I am happy to say I am down 5 lb.s from my previous gain! I have worked out hard this past week and ate like I was supposed to for the Weight Watchers point plus program. I have been hungry every evening and am going for my 4th day of exercise this week. I try to do 4-5 days a week! So I consider this a success. I hope that I can keep having this kind of journal entries in the future - It feels so much better. I must remember this throughout next week. I am feeling the hope that I can reach my goal again. I had lost it for a littlw while.

I also made a list of Why I was starting this diet/exercise plan again. Then I read it outloud every morning and when I was wanting to eat or drink something I shouldn't. It helped  a lot.

 One of my things on my list was "I do not want to fail again and start over again"

I am feeling positive about this past week.  Yay Me!

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