

I am hoping this blog inspires a desire in you to be at your physical potential. Losing weight in 2013, and setting up a lifestyle that allows us to keep it that way! I want this blog to allow me to motivate and to be motivated!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

mind/spirit: what to do with myself?

A teacup on a saucer.Image via Wikipedia
I am again alone; my husband is out "wheeling and dealing" trying to get people to sign up for a texting system for businesses, my sons are both at friends' houses, and here I am-- trying to stay on my diet and abstain from my favorite beverage of choice (ice cold beer). Oh yes, there is plenty of cleaning opportunities and laundry to keep me going (yuck). I have watched some t.v. (smithsonian documentaries) and Bravo brain mush as well.
I feel this way often and have decided to turn to the Bible for healing -

Putting Psalm86 into my own words has comforted me and I would like to share what I have written and in affect prayed out loud-

If you are feeling like me - make a cup of tea and read this aloud from your heart and then spend some quiet time with God. I pray that the following words help you as much as they are helping me through this evening:

Psalm 86-
Help me Lord, because I need it
I am devoted to You Lord
I trust and serve You
Please  bring me joy, because I
have been praying constantly
You are good to anyone who
calls on You, and I know
You forgive those
that call on You

PLEASE hear me and I know
you will answer me when I
am troubled

You are the greatest of all the
deities that any people have
ever believed in and the only
true God. One day, all the people
You have created will worship
You and bring glory to your name
Dear Lord

Teach me how to do things your
way Lord
Help me focus on You with all

my heart and NOT  to let other
things divide my heart

I want to live according to your
I want to praise You and glorify
your name forever
love me!
Especially, since You have delivered
me from (just lying in) the grave
for eternity
I have many attacks, weaknesses,
and hardships
but, Lord You show compassion
and grace
You are slow to anger and show love
and faithfulness to all

Please help me have your strength
to show your love through me
Give me a sign of your goodness
that others (those that don't love
and appreciate me) may see and feel
ashamed and less than great compared
to You
THANKS for loving me and comforting me

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