

I am hoping this blog inspires a desire in you to be at your physical potential. Losing weight in 2013, and setting up a lifestyle that allows us to keep it that way! I want this blog to allow me to motivate and to be motivated!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Need Motivation to Start Exercising?

Need Motivation to Start Exercising?: "Exercise gains are extremely comprehensive, thoroughly generating both physical and mental benefits. 'People who exercise regularly tend to sleep better, and use less sugar, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and other drugs. Above all, exercise makes you feel good about yourself. For most people, exercise is one of the most obvious self-respecting behaviors. Each time you jog, visit the gym, or play a game of squash, you are building your positive self-image -- a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual foundation for your growing self-esteem.'" - from healthchecksystems.com

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I have lost yet another pound! I am 29 lb.s from my goal weight! I had 2 small blueberry pancakes for breakfast w/ light syrup and I plan on veggies and fruit during the day and top it off tonight w/ a grilled turkey burger on a wheat bun (x-tra pickles)! I sometimes have a glass of skim milk to make sure I am getting some calcium! Planning is 1/2 the battle won!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I am setting new goals and changing my perspective on overeating. There is a shift in my core that is now really disliking the feeling I have in my body when I overeat. I did have one day where I overate so much that I felt uncomfortable. I had such a negative overall feeling that it really made me not want to overeat ever again. I want to remember that feeling and focus on it when I am tempted to over-feed my body. Today I have eaten a small amount of healthy food, and walked laps while waiting on my son's baseball game to start--- My body feels so much better. I believe the body needs just a little (nutritional) food to work properly. Your body is telling you when to stop eating --- Listen to it!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Need to get back to my 3 day rolling work-out schedule (step/spin/jog). Today should be step. My field days are over and I need to get busy!!!! My working-out has been sporadic as of late and I know that my schedule has been hectic so I know things are settling back down now. Tonight I will get back into the groove!

Spirit/Mind: Facebook | Your Photos - Mammaw's strawberry cake

Facebook | Your Photos - Mammaw's strawberry cake

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Facebook | Lori Davis Potter

Facebook | Lori Davis Potter: "my goal is to stop.
Focus on what's right in front of me...
what's been accomplished
more importantly how was it accomplished
...I hope and pray that it was


Tuesday night I challenged my youngest son to a game of Scrabble (a great "mind" activity). He usually says no but this time to my joyful surprise he said yes!!! We played and laughed and by the end of it I knew that my mind had been exercised but my spirit had been touched as well. I love it when an unplanned moment becomes an unexpected joy!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Today I have worked on reading and studying Galatians 6 especially vs 8,9, and 10. Thinking about it and writing any mental notes in my journal about it are great "mind" activities. Journaling is a great mental exercise. I also had to use my mind for the organization needed to run the 6 days of Field days that I do at my school (workplace). I did my last one today and I am feeling so relieved that I am done with this part of the school year. Summer is looming near! Yippee!

Monday, May 17, 2010


This is from my brother's blog - Thanks Gabe I needed this: George Horne " Patience Strengthens the spirit, sweetens the temper, stifles anger, extinguishes envy, subdues pride, bridles the tongue, restrains the hands, and trembles upon temptation"


Time crunch threatening to make it difficult to get a work-out in today. I need a plan. Planning out your work-out for the day is so important to anyone's success. Stop and think where you can fit in at least 30 minutes of physical activity and some additional toning. For me I plan on pulling out my step after my son's ballgame and doing my own step routine plus push-ups and sit-ups. Wearing a pedometer has been an important part of my lifestyle change. We all need to get in at least 10,000 steps on average! Right now I am at 7330. It does not have to be a formal "work-out" to give you a benefit-- just move more!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


my boys' smiles are always filling up my spirit!
Look at someone that you adore when they are smiling and really connect with the joy that they are feeling ---It is contagious because it will fill you with joy!


Well talk about treating yourself well paying off --- I have lost 3 more pounds this week! I had been stuck for a while (heck of a plateau) and I dug in and got determined and for the past 5 days (or so) nothing full of fat and calories passed through these lips! I had moments I was resentful because of the lack of freedom to eat what I wanted to eat - but I am so glad I did not give into those moments. From my highest weight I am down 37 lb.s!!!! I am on my way toward my goal again. I know that I can live this upcoming week like I did this past week-- I CAN DO IT. My body and spirit are benefitting from this small success.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Feeling positive about your choices is an invaluable gift to give yourself. I am thinking about what I want for dinner and I need to choose a nutritional meal (not junk food). When you make a good choice it is sooooo worth it. Peace of mind comes from using your mind and making a decision based on what is best for yourself. Be cautious to not make choices that lead to disliking yourself or being upset with yourself. Breathe, think and treat yourself well!!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010


I am completing my last two weeks of this school year and I am so excited about the prospect of improving my housekeeping, health/weight, and my blog! These last two weeks are tough for me because I have 5 consecutive field days coming up and a lot of other extra activities. My goal is to finish up the remainder of the school year then get a set exercise and cleaning schedule. I want to update and change the look of my blog as well. There are so many chores and organizational projects that I am going to tackle. Update you later!


Take responsibility for your choices. I have decided it is in my best interest to not have ANY alcohol for a couple of months and allow a deeper dependency on the Lord for my source of comfort to develop. This is experimental because I really do not believe that I have a serious issue with alcohol but I do depend on it in social and stressful situations. I have not had any alcohol for the past 7 days and did feel a little tempted last Friday. I was going to use it to "relax". Instead I turned to the Lord and prayed for peace and contentment with my vow of sobriety. It is a time for growth! Join me!