Yesterday was such a healthy day!
I am feeling temptation knocking at the door for me today to over-eat though. I have a gift card for Quaker Steak and Lube (a wings restaurant). My husband and I may go today for a late lunch.
There are healthy food choices there and I plan on ordering something that is "good for my body". I will use 15 points (WW) and limit it to that.
I am a little sore from my working out the past two days.
I plan on walking/jogging today plus light weights.
I made the beds, unloaded the dishwasher and loaded a load of laundry this morning, as I do every morning.
My big chore today will be going through stuff in the garage. I plan on using the 3 pile technique (throw-away, give-away, and keep).
I will be enjoying my bible study time when I finish this journal entry (Day 4 week week 5 of Esther - It's tough being a Woman by B. Moore).
I aM hOpInG 4 a ReLaXing Summer DAy!! We are supposed to get some rain so hopefully I have made the right decision to Not water the lawn.