

I am hoping this blog inspires a desire in you to be at your physical potential. Losing weight in 2013, and setting up a lifestyle that allows us to keep it that way! I want this blog to allow me to motivate and to be motivated!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Journal entry: June 14th 2011

I had 30 points yesterday and had a great work-out.
Today - I have planned to have my largest meal for lunch which is normal on Tues. and Thurs. because I do a 2 hour work-out on those days. I always feel so sub-dued and happy when I get finished sweating my guts out at Cycle class

and then go upstairs to do the Zumba class (which is pure fun)

logo ZumbaImage via Wikipedia

My diet today is consisting of peaches and celery as my primary fruit and raw vegetable intake. I also prepared Chicken Fajitas with green peppers and onions light cheese and whole wheat tortillas.
My green-tea/ OJ drink and cereal as a healthy snack. I also made a fiber-rich side dish (black beans, brown rice, salsa, cream corn all cooked together) a great side to the fajitas.

House cleaning consists of normal every day cleaning and I will be steam mopping all the tile (1 hour's worth) and of course laundry (really on-going)

I did my bible study this morning and I am really enjoying Beth Moore's study on Esther. I realize that a Christian's ego can be a formidable foe. The ego is only a perception of our own importance! I am getting it.
Have a great day!

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