

I am hoping this blog inspires a desire in you to be at your physical potential. Losing weight in 2013, and setting up a lifestyle that allows us to keep it that way! I want this blog to allow me to motivate and to be motivated!

Monday, May 17, 2010


Time crunch threatening to make it difficult to get a work-out in today. I need a plan. Planning out your work-out for the day is so important to anyone's success. Stop and think where you can fit in at least 30 minutes of physical activity and some additional toning. For me I plan on pulling out my step after my son's ballgame and doing my own step routine plus push-ups and sit-ups. Wearing a pedometer has been an important part of my lifestyle change. We all need to get in at least 10,000 steps on average! Right now I am at 7330. It does not have to be a formal "work-out" to give you a benefit-- just move more!


  1. Your right, and I am struggling. I need you to layout a weekly work out routine for me to try to accomplish (30 min a day). I seem to not believe in my own plans. I need a goal, a challenge, a bench mark. No aerobics please, Think manly exercises.

  2. Gabe I think you would do well with a simple fitness test format: Test yourself on how many sit-ups you can do in a minute (set a goal to improve it) how many seconds you can hold Plank position (set a goal) how quickly you can walk a mile (set a goal) don't do a for flexibility but do a lot of comfortable stretches on a regular basis (hold each stretch 10 seconds) I think if you were trying to beat your last testing you would be motivated by seeing yourself improve. You need to cut back on portions too and you know that anyway. Love you!

  3. correction I meant do not do a test for flexibility
